It was the early days and I remember the initial conversation with my parents. My grandmother Clara was living alone for 6 years and started to show early signs of memory loss. She was driving the car up until 92 years old and everything was getting harder after taking it away. My family had to hire a neighbor next door and it was helpful but not long term.

This is when I started to think and be concerned. I graduated college, was living at home with my parents for 1 year and working a normal job. Not many responsibilities or anything holding me down. I had the spark, why don’t I go live with her? I am noticing a need that is not being met and I want to help and see what I can do.

Initially, there was resistance and hesitation. This is a big job and big deal they said. I would have to move 1,000 miles across America and go live in Connecticut. A distance and environment different than the Midwest. My mother and father said think about it, I slept on it. I did not waste much time or thought. I said, I was ready, let’s try it out. My parents said give it 6 months, if it’s more than I can handle, come back.

I packed the car with the few belongings I had, my clothing and my computer, and left early morning. Not knowing how much there was ahead of me. Many years of hard work, adventure, pains, and challenges. All of it worth it. I vividly remember that initial drive. I woke up early at 5 am to get a good start to the long day, my mother prepared comfort food for me (zucchini bread, muffins, grapes) and I said goodbye.

It snowed the entire drive all the way, every mile. It does not help this was the end of January, and it was foreshadowing to how much more snow and cold I will experience in New England. After 2 days of driving, I finally reached my grandmother’s house late at night, I opened the door, and with a warm and smiling face, there was Grandma on the couch, happy to see a familiar face.

Little did she know what I was coming over for, and this was a one way move. I initially tried to mention it to her, “I want to live here with you, Grandma”, and all she said was “that’s nice honey” and was back to watching the Golden Girls on TV. A long day of much needed rest, I unpacked my things and started an adventure of a lifetime.